Create Hope in the World. Preventing stunting in Indonesia

dinsdag 17 oktober 2023


What is stunting?

Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Children are defined as stunted if their height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median.  

Stunting has severe consequences for future physical and mental development.   

The project :

The project aims to empower the community in Indonesia, to support mothers and children in reducing stunting due to chronic malnutrition. 

The main objectives include improving knowledge, attitudes, and health behaviors related to stunting among targeted communities, reducing the mortality and morbidity rate of children under five, and improving access to essential medical services and trained community health workers.

The project will benefit mothers (and fathers) of children under five with stunting and nutritional issues, pregnant women, mothers with children aged 0-60 months, young families, health and community volunteers, teachers, adolescents, and village government staff.

The project will focus on maternal and child health. 

The project will involve various individuals and organizations, including health staff, community volunteers, and experts in gender, health, and nutrition.

The host Rotarians will play a role in project design, monitoring, and providing advice, while the project coordinator will oversee the implementation and reporting. 

BUDGET : USD 46.428,00  

FUNDING needed from clubs : USD 13.000.

Steering Committee D3420.Date : 17.07.2023

From left to right :

1.. Anang Ind Pratama, President of RC Semarang Pandawa

2. Rtn Paulus Suhendro, Member of RC Kudus

3. Paulus Rawuh Handoko, President of RC Kudus

4. IPDG Lina Soeratman (Semarang pandawa)

5. PDG Cindy Bachtiar (Semararng Kunthi)

6. Rtn Bryan (RC Pati)

7. PP Nana (RC Kudus Srikandi)

8. NDG Dyah Anggraeni (RC Semarang Kunthi)

9. Maria Penida (RC Semarrang Pandawa)

10. PP Nyndita Rini (RC Semarang Kunthi)

11. DDG Hesty (RC Semarang Pandawa)

12. Rtn Leya Cattleya

PP Antonius Tedjalaksana : took the photo


1.     Capacity Development for Health Cadres:

·      Conduct training sessions for Posyandu cadres on effective facilitation techniques.

·       Provide specialized training on breastfeeding, nutrition, hygiene, and health behavior counselling.

·      Organize workshops to enhance interpersonal communication skills of cadres.

·      Equip cadres with training materials and resources for conducting sessions.

·      Facilitate Posyandu cadres to carry out monthly home visit 

2.     Capacity Development for Health Workers 

·      Conduct training on Gender Equality, and Social and Disability Inclusions for health workers of Puskesmas and Posyandu Cadres of Rindi Vilage 

·      Conduct a Webinar on the need to carry out collective actions to prevent stunting for building accountability for future generations of health workers of East Sumba District

3.     Integrated Home Garden Pilots:

·       Identify suitable locations for integrated home gardens.

·       Develop gardening plans including selection of vegetables, herbs, poultry, and fish.

·       Provide training to community members on sustainable farming practices.

·       Monitor and support the maintenance of integrated home gardens.

4.     Clean and Functional Posyandu Buildings:

·       Collaborate with local authorities to improve Posyandu building facilities.

·       Renovate or upgrade existing buildings to include healthy kitchens, proper toilets, and water supply.

·       Procure and set up reference materials related to family health and nutrition.

·       Procure presentation and counselling tools (flipcart) for the Posyandu’s operation

·       Conduct hygiene awareness campaigns for Posyandu facilities.

5.     Adolescent Education:

·       Organize educational sessions for adolescents on health, hygiene, nutrition, and sexual reproductive health.

·       Establish and manage Posyandu 'Remaja' to cater to adolescent health needs.

·       Develop informative materials tailored for adolescents.

·       Engage with local schools to integrate health and menstrual hygiene education into the curriculum.

6.     Hygiene Improvement:

·       Conduct workshops and training sessions on personal and environmental hygiene.

·       Collaborate with relevant organizations  (YAKKUM Bethesda Community Development) and a Rotary WASH Project (D-3420) to improve access to clean water sources.

·       Promote the construction and proper use of latrines and safe septic tanks.

·       Provide education on the risks of smoking and its implications for health.

7.     Collaboration and Monitoring:

·       Establish regular meetings with the head of the village, Posyandu cadres, and Puskesmas staff.

·       Develop monitoring tools to track stunting prevention outcomes, nutritional knowledge, and practices.

·       Collect data on the nutritional status and health of mothers and children.

·       Evaluate the effectiveness of the project's activities and make necessary adjustments.

8.     Livelihood Improvement:

·       Collaborate with EMPU Sustainable Fashion for livelihood development initiatives.

·       Identify opportunities for sustainable livelihood improvement, such as weaving arts and small-scale farming.

·       Provide training and resources to women for income-generating activities.

9.     Healthy Food Provision:

·       Coordinate with local suppliers to ensure regular availability of healthy food for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children with stunting.

·       Organize distribution and ensure equitable access to nutritious food.

10.  Cooking Training:

·       Plan and conduct monthly cooking training sessions for women and girls.

·       Teach participants how to prepare diverse and nutritious meals using local ingredients.

·       Provide cooking demonstrations and recipe sharing.

11.  Awareness Campaigns:

·       Develop and implement awareness campaigns on the importance of access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

·       Create educational materials and conduct community workshops.

12.  JKN (Health Card) Registration:

·       Organize awareness campaigns about the benefits of JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional) or health card registration.

·       Collaborate with local health authorities to facilitate the registration process.

·       Assist community members, especially pregnant women, lactating mothers, and families with children, in enrolling for JKN coverage.

·       Educate beneficiaries about the healthcare services covered under JKN and how to access them

12.  Engagement with Stakeholders:

·       Engage with local government officials, relevant organizations, and stakeholders for support and collaboration.

·       Participate in monthly Puskesmas’ coordination meeting with all Head of Villages  (eight) in the Sub-District of Rindi, and share experiences in the implementation of Rotary Project’s supports to prevent stunting in Rindi village

·       Participate in monthly 'Rembug Stunting' meetings organized by the village head.

13.  Monitoring and Evaluation:

·       Regularly assess the progress of the project's activities.

·       Analyze data collected from monitoring tools and surveys to measure outcomes.

·       Use evaluation results to make informed decisions and adjustments to project activities.