Thursday, August 24, 2023 23:55, Singapour
  • Jean-Marie HOFFMANN

TRAVEL TIP +++ Post-convention trip to Java and Bali, Indonesia+++ 

Every Rotarian should have attended an International Rotary convention at least once. For what? Nowhere else will you be able to experience the diversity, internationality and emotion of Rotary so impressively. There is hardly anyone who does not return to their country after these days deeply impressed.

Registration is possible on the convention website - and the host country, Singapore, is presented: - registration and a Login are required to register - this is done quickly.

Today, together with my friend from district 2160 Philippe Vanstalle, who has been organizing trips for our district for decades and enjoys great recognition, I am trying to put together a small travel group on a voluntary basis who would like to book this combination a visit to the convention and an on-site visit.

We propose : Post-convention trip to Java and Bali, Indonesia.

If you are interested, please send an email to your friend Philippe Vanstalle who will then send you the trip descriptions.

No registration deadline is mentioned - but we assume a group will be found quickly. It is therefore advisable to form an opinion and make a decision as soon as possible.

With our Rotarian greetings and looking forward to a unique joint Rotary event.


Approximate dates: MAY 29/30 to JUNE 09/10, 2024

You can also contact the ICC secretary:

Link to past trip to indonesia (picture: exchange of banners between Club Bali Nusa Dua and Club Luxembourg-Horizon)